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  • @punkin said: Going to look at a new old truck tomorrow.

    We may have a new Dragon Wagon for deliveries next week. \m/

    Howd ya go?

    If it aint half off, it aint on sale!

  • There was much too much work to do on it mate.

    I don't have the skills or the energy for a project like that. I have set my sights a little higher budget wise but it's hard to find a good American truck here that has right hand drive and a bench seat which are my two main issues.

    StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

  • that is how I remember the weather... 3 Jahre Dexheim bei Nierstein/Oppenheim.... "ich bin eine Rakete Mechaniker"

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    500 x 500 - 1M

    Your Place to be >>> <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum

  • edited July 2015

    Re watching popcorn Sutton's doco and he made a very good point

    What you see here I ain't stolen none of it, I paid taxes on the copper on the jars and the sugar. I don't see how I've stolen anything and I ain't no dam criminal

    I am paraphrasing a little

    I mean the tax on Alcohol is very much a revenue gathering exercise, I pay tax on ingredients yet if I made bread with them rather then say whisky I wouldn't pay any further tax unless I sold the bread. In which case it would be income tax based on profit rather then a bread tax.

    I paid gst on all my brewing equipment, whats criminal is having to pay tax on a product for no real reason.

    Not one drop of my liquor has been sold or bartered with and yet I am like most of us am classed as a criminal in the eyes of the law, I get no benefit from the production other then a hobby I am passionate about. It is not my lively hood and doesn't keep a roof over my head or food in my stomach.

    Sigh what the hell is the wrong with the world

    If I make a table out of wood I buy then I don't have to pay tax on it, if I grow food I don't have to pay tax on the food I grow.

    Hell if the argument was that you don't need Alcohol to live then why do we pay tax on house purchases in the way of stamp duty?

    Whats so wrong with the distillation of alcohol in the eyes of the law, I can think of lots of things that are more dangerous

    End rant, hope i've gotten a valid thought across

  • It was a moral decision, made long ago to tax sinful items. Your labor is also taxed, sometimes multiple times.

    Now it is a revenue stream for the Government. Once they have a stream, they will never totally give it up.

    There are those in the U.S. that think there will soon be taxes on home grown food. There is if you sell it! And soon there may be if you just eat it. They will tax home gardens because you need there help and regulations to grow food.

    I have acres of hard wood trees, worth about $10k an acre. NO ONE did anything to produce these trees. I paid property tax to keep the land the trees are on. If I sell them in lots of more than $5,000usd, I will surely have to pay income tax on them, because the buyer will have to report it to the IRS.

    Same with cattle and most AG products.

    However with excise taxes (such as alcohol) it does get very bizarre.

    DAD... not yours.. ah, hell... I don't know...

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    700 x 501 - 24K

    StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

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    594 x 918 - 96K

    StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

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    700 x 525 - 39K

    StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

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    600 x 513 - 57K

    StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

  • Ninja right there. Hiding in plane sight.

    StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America

  • Chuck Taylors - standard issue for ninja girls

    I'm more like I am now than I was before.

  • edited July 2015

    Anyone in Australia is looking for the worlds best pocket game boat or a top class impoundment competition boat give me a hoi.



    800 x 600 - 85K

    StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

  • image

    700 x 445 - 48K

    StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

  • If you lock your wife and your dog in the trunk of your car for an hour guess witch one is more happy to see you when you let them out.

  • New girl friend moves in...first day alone the guys German Shepard keeps trying to mount the girlfriend every time she bends over.

    Guy gets home and the girlfriend says we got a problem. Tells story...guys says, "Yeah, I'll make the appointment to get him fixed tomorrow."

    Girl says, "WHoooo...nothing that drastic. Just get him a bath, his nails clipped and I'll get some socks for his feet."

    DAD... not yours.. ah, hell... I don't know...

  • image

    800 x 600 - 60K
  • edited July 2015

    Nice. 20-25lb?

    My best is about 35 or so and was quite a few years ago. Ciggie in mouth gives that away.


    800 x 533 - 61K

    StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

  • Dunno, maybe 70cm? (barely legal :D ) It fed a lot of people.
    I got a 13lb golden once that looked like a Sherrin. Any of those around your neck? I got a feeling theses guys aren't far from you. They've go some fantastic stuff in the archive.

  • @punkin said: Nice. 20-25lb?

    My best is about 35 or so and was quite a few years ago. Ciggie in mouth gives that away.


    Caught by hand?

  • edited July 2015

    @jacksonbrown said: Dunno, maybe 70cm? (barely legal :D ) It fed a lot of people.
    I got a 13lb golden once that looked like a Sherrin. Any of those around your neck? I got a feeling theses guys aren't far from you. They've go some fantastic stuff in the archive.

    Dunno about those guys but Dean that made the Luring Murray Cod films owns the local tackle shop and fishes the same waters that we do.

    The fish in the pic above was 92cm and was caught at my best mates farm. He was released along with all the cod i catch unless someone asks me to keep a medium fish for them. We get some good yellas round here, but not as big as the ones at Windemere they call 'footballs'. Those big swollen hunks get up over the sizes you are talking about, pretty ugly fish. 10lb is a goodun round here.

    Caught on a sub-surface lure FC. I have one lure that dives about an inch below the surface and works day and night where the true surface lures are a low light/darkness proposition for these fellas.


    800 x 600 - 113K

    StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

  • A TV show called Love Child with a mildly interesting KAMA SUTRA scene in a car right at the beginning, set in Tamworth in 1969, REALLY???

    Your Place to be >>> <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum

  • edited August 2015

    @punkin said: Anyone in Australia is looking for the worlds best pocket game boat or a top class impoundment competition boat give me a hoi.

    Hay, I work for a boat parts company in the USA take a look at Sarisota quality products.

  • I know a guy that has a really nice custom built 1972 XLCH 1000 Harley Davidson Motor Cycle Bored out to 1200. In the winter time he puts a piece of plywood on the living room floor and parks his bike there right next to his big screen TV. One day his girl friend was vacuuming the floor around the bike and she said ( I wish you would get rid of that f*cking bike) he said (I will get rid of you first bitch)

  • This is probably just wish full thinking but it would be really nice if StillDragon had some kind of contest that everyone on this forum would get a chance to win that Baby Crystal Dragon setup. Maybe for best or funniest photo or story or maybe for best home made still or some other criteria.

  • edited August 2015

    If I had that boat I would keep it.

  • @dad said: It was a moral decision, made long ago to tax sinful items. Your labor is also taxed, sometimes multiple times.

    Now it is a revenue stream for the Government. Once they have a stream, they will never totally give it up.

    There are those in the U.S. that think there will soon be taxes on home grown food. There is if you sell it! And soon there may be if you just eat it. They will tax home gardens because you need there help and regulations to grow food.

    I have acres of hard wood trees, worth about $10k an acre. NO ONE did anything to produce these trees. I paid property tax to keep the land the trees are on. If I sell them in lots of more than $5,000usd, I will surely have to pay income tax on them, because the buyer will have to report it to the IRS.

    Same with cattle and most AG products.

    However with excise taxes (such as alcohol) it does get very bizarre.

    In the US the state and federal government is the biggest bootlegger in the country and they don't want any competition.

  • I once read a story where some young kids started a company selling horse manure to farmers for fertilizer and they started to make good money from it, then the federal government saw the income and decided to tax the sale of the manure. They took it to court and the court decided the kids already payed the taxes for the feed for the horses and it just wasn't right to tax the horse at both ends.

  • edited August 2015

    @punkin said: image

    I would love to put that in a frying pan with some butter, onions and a pinch of garlic.

  • @Thomasedwin said: This is probably just wish full thinking but it would be really nice if StillDragon had some kind of contest that everyone on this forum would get a chance to win that Baby Crystal Dragon setup. Maybe for best or funniest photo or story or maybe for best home made still or some other criteria.

    You could always sponsor that contest... :D

    I'm more like I am now than I was before.

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